
Posts Tagged ‘Telephone’

Telephone part 2?

I hope you can watch the video in this post. Lady gaga and Beyonce, a very very odd mix indeed. This is hard to admit but i like it. In fact, I kind of like Lady Gaga. There is something about the things she wears and the image she portrays that spells ‘Feminism’ to me. Well not so much political, more so like making a bold statement and being in total control of the female physique and having her own mind. But her songs are alright though. Not outstanding or extremely good, just catchy with typical lyrics. She’s like the Pop Art genre in music or something. Very costumey and ridiculous, but i like it, oddly.

Hmm is it just me or does this video reminds you a bit of Quentin Tarantino’s Pulp Fiction?